

To Sam,
I know you're the only one who reads this blog,  so I may as well address it directly to you. Even three years into this relationship, you continue to fascinate me both as a compassionate mate and as a brilliant mind. Yes, brilliant. When I see your work, either as a composer or as a thinker, my only desire is that you be heard. You deserve to be heard. Wherever you go in life, I want your ambitions and your skills to take you to amazing places and make an impact. You told me love is bullshit. Perhaps what some refer to as love, sacrificing for one another and trying to lead an emotional life based on "instinct". But I do care about you, ultimately, and want you to thrive. That's all I need love to be. I want to be a witness to your life for as long as I can, which is a selfish desire, and I'm allowed that. :) You're allowing me to be there. I hope I can have at least a fraction of that kind of impact on you. Otherwise it's hardly worth having me around. I love you.

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